Shoveling isn’t something we have had to do too much so far this winter but January and February are coming! We want to make sure that when you are out shoveling, you are doing it safely.
It is better to shovel more often throughout a snowfall than just once, especially with heavy snow.
It might seem like it is going to take more time and energy to go out and shovel every few inches that fall than to just do it once after the snowfall is complete, but this is more time-consuming and way more dangerous. It is much easier to push 2 inches of compact, heavy snow three times than it is to push 6 inches once. You will also keep the snow from melting and forming ice underneath and freezing to your driveway when you clear it quickly. Six inches of heavy, wet compact snow will take much more energy to push, lift, and throw, even three times over and you are much less likely to strain your back with 2 inches than 6 inches at a time.
You need more than one shovel type.
There are a few different types of shovels and they have different purposes.
Traditional Snow Shovel
Good for scooping but not for pushing
Snow Scoop Shovel
Great for scooping a whole lot of snow at one time and moving it quickly
Snow Push Shovel
This is one of the best ways to clear a driveway, simply push the snow, no lifting involved (provided your driveway is even)
Snow Pusher with Wheels
This is even easier than the Snow Push Shovel, perfect for people with low back issues or to prevent lower back issues
Snow Sleigh Shovel
Push a ton of snow quickly and efficiently
Snow Shovel and Snow Pusher Combo
This shovel is a combo between both shovels and allows you to switch between shovel functions with ease and no need to get a different shovel
Telescopic Snow Shovel
This shovel offers the stability you need with extreme portability and a wide variety of uses
Power Snow Shovel
Power snow shovels allow for quick removal of snow without as much physical demand as a manpower shovel
Our Recommendation
We recommend having a traditional snow shovel and a snow push shovel at the ready. If another shovel seems like it would serve your particular purpose, get one of those too!
Safety Tips
It is important to remember that shoveling can be dangerous and you can end up injured if you don’t do it correctly. Be sure to begin with pushing snow off your driveway instead lifting it. When you do need to lift snow, be sure to consider the type of snow you are shoveling before trying lift a whole shovel full. Dry, light snow is easy to lift and you can lift a lot at one time, but wet, compact snow is much heavier and requires more strength, effort, and scoops to move. Here are a few tips to protect yourself while lifting heavy snow.
Be sure to always lift with your knees and not your back.
Engage your core to protect your spine and neck muscles.
Only lift what’s comfortable and repeatable. You don’t want to tire yourself out on the first few scoops.
Be sure that someone knows you are out shoveling and that if they haven’t heard from you after a specified amount of time to give you a call.
Always take your cell phone out with you. If you slip and fall and need help getting up or need to go to the hospital due to injury, you are going to need to call for help.
At the end of the day, if you decide you don’t want to shovel your driveway or commercial property, we’re here to help. Give us a call for a quote for our snow removal program!
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